Thursday, October 27, 2016

Rohnert Park Cancer Center

Home from home for a while
Wednesday saw Jean and I meet up with Dr Lee in the Rohnert Park Cancer Center.  Nice guy, put me at ease while describing quite horrific things!  He's going to be in charge of the radiation therapy.  I don't know where I would be without Jean to help me through this stuff!  Even Finn was sweet - laid a hand on my shoulder while I was driving him to school.

When we got home, we got up on the roof and attempted to fix a leak in the in-law unit.  Sticky black tar-like stuff stuffed into the gully where we think the leak is occurring.  It was actually quite fun!

Thursday was my measuring day at RPCC.  They have a CT Scanner that just records images and allows them to mark the exact point on the body that they will need to line up the radiation machine later.  So, I have got my first tattoo!! Three of them in fact.  I've not looked at them yet - I should be able to see the ones on my hips.  I'm going to be going there 5 days a week for about 6 weeks (with a day off for Thanksgiving!) - the appointments most days will only be 10 minutes or so. Time of day to follow.  Hopefully I can get it to fit in OK with Finn and Work schedules.

The effects of the radiation are cumulative, and are accentuated by the chemo-therapy (I will find out what sort of Chemo-therapy they have selected for me on Monday - woohoo!), they are preparing me for tiredness, soreness, frequent urgent urination, diarrhea, itching and that sort of thing!  I will get another list of the side effects I should expect from the chemo-therapy on Monday.

It's really not going to be a lot of fun!

Still, others have got through it before, and I'm going to join them!

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