Monday, October 31, 2016

Facebook update

I decided to go ahead and post about what is happening on FB..  Really positive response, many people asking to be kept informed, so I guess that the odd update there would not be a bad thing!  I'll keep this private for now.

Went with:

"I've been going back and forth over how, or whether, to post this, but have decided to dive straight in.

A week ago, I had a diagnosis of rectal cancer confirmed by way of an endoscopic ultrasound. Previous to that, I had first tested positive via a stool sample, then a colonoscopy. A CT scan indicated that the cancer had not spread to other parts of my body, and the ultrasound further confirmed that the cancer was confined to the rectum.
I’m going to be starting chemo- and radio- therapy in the next few days for a period of about 6 weeks - after that, I will have a recovery period, followed by a laparoscopic operation towards the end of February, followed by further chemotherapy.
We're dealing with the news and preparing as well as we can to fight this thing. I'm going to be putting myself firmly in the hands of the team of doctors at Kaiser and have amazing support from my family.
Sorry to break such bad news like this, but I could think of no other way to reach everyone."
Had a meeting with Julie from HR and filled her in - got forms for FMLA which need to be filled in by one or other of my doctors.

Off to see Dr Akhtar this afternoon - hopefully to get some sort of idea as to when the Chemo treatment is going to get going - then over to Kathy's for our traditional Halloween (although Finn claims to not want to go trick or treating, which is a turn-up!).

Tired and distracted, not really achieving anything at work. Ho-Hum!

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