Well, the weekend starts with a dressing change, but at least I get to remove the pump until Monday morning.
The nausea is getting worse - I've woken up at about 4:00am the last 2 nights and had to go get a tablet. Plus, I have to pee 2 or 3 times a night - no wonder I'm tired during the day. Again, this was all predicted and I was forewarned - doesn't make the reality easier to deal with, though!
Took Finn with me to the infusion lab so that we could head straight from there to Flying Frogs.
Sunday was a bonus radiation session - they are closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving, so they saw everyone today so that we only miss one session on the week. Music was Aretha's RESPECT - which I found quite amusing as they taped open my buttocks!
On the way back, I decided to bite the bullet and get my hair clipped - a 3 on the back and sides and a 4 on top - which will make it easier to take care of, and not be so messy if it starts falling out in any quantity!
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