9:00am appointment at Kaiser to get my pump fitted. Nurse had a bit of trouble with air in the line, so it took a bit longer than expected, but got there in the end. Then got sent up to the upstairs pharmacy to pick up some nausea meds. In line, I heard a beeping sound and looked around to try to see the cause - turned out that it was me, of course! I hit reset, but 2 minutes later, it went off again, so I headed back to the infusion center where another nurse loosened the clamp which was causing it!
It's all fun!
Then drove down to work - didn't get there until about 11:20 and had my first radiation appointment in Rohnert Park set for 12:30, so I ended up just spending about 40 minutes at work (my kind of day!).
Radiation was pretty straightforward, apart from having to deal with the pump, which I am getting used to having there. It really only took a minute or two once they had lined me up on the gurney. Boombox was playing "Spirit in the Sky". Decided to head home afterwards and glad I did, I was pretty worn out - mainly from the stress of it all.
Slept for a couple of hours while Jean went down to her old office to try to sort out the pension stuff. Bad news on that score, we're not going to be getting the dosh until the end of the year! Will need to talk to ASC to explain that we are planning to pay them!! Not looking forward to that at all!
Robbie replied to my message and it was lovely to hear from him. If there's one good thing from this whole affair it is demonstrating to me how much people do care about us!
Overnight, got woken up by the pump alarm 4 times! I'm assuming because I was lying on the tube. Need to get that sorted - don't want to be losing sleep!
Tuesday I needed to be at the Rohnert Park Cancer Center at 8:10 for an 8:20 session. This meant forcing Finn out of the house early, which was fine - he was very good. The session seemed to be longer, I should ask the doctor if it is going to be consistent lengths of treatment everyday or if there is a variable pattern.
Not really feeling any side effects yet, although I do have that metallic taste in my mouth and am pretty tired all the time.
Class this afternoon on dealing with Chemotherapy and the side effects.
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