Saturday, November 26, 2016

One of the big advantages...

...of having a picc line installed in your arm, at least for the patient (and, I think, the nurses), is that you can have blood drawn for lab work really easily and quickly.  I go in to the infusion center on a Saturday morning, get the pump disconnected (YAY!), get the dressing changed, get a couple of test tubes of blood taken and skip merrily on my way.

 Except this morning, when apparently a blood clot was blocking the end of the catheter - things were going in just fine, but they couldn't draw any blood out the other way.  So, they pump in some stuff which sorts out the clot, you sit and wait for 1/2 an hour and they try again.  Today, it failed again at this point, so they tried another dose, followed by another 1/2 hour wait, after which everything was hunky dory!

Now, obviously, in this connected day and age, I'm able to sit there with my phone, check Facebook, write a blog post, listen to footie on the radio, all that sort of stuff - except this morning was the morning that I managed to drop my phone once too often and all I have is a very slender paperweight which shows a strange pattern of multicoloured lines when you turn it on and doesn't respond to any tapping, shaking or anything!  Good job I took out the replacement insurance!  And luckily I have a back-up phone to use in the meantime (if the darn thing will ever finish charging!)

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