Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Nearly half-way.

Dr Lee is on vacation, so I saw a different specialist at RPCC this morning - Dr Fields who looks disconcertingly like Saul Goodman's brother in Better Call Saul!  He was very encouraging - said that I was "coping remarkably well" with the treatment so far.  

He advised me to expect a deterioration in the next few weeks, then when the treatment is done there may be a couple of weeks during which time it (the fatigue and whatever other side effects develop) worsens before the body can recover enough for surgery - which is why there's the 8 week gap between completing treatment and undergoing surgery.

I think I knew all that already, but it was good to get it underlined.

Tomorrow is the half-way point of this stage of the radiation treatment - just 14 more to go starting Monday 28th.

The haircut is being remarked upon all over the office - few have asked about the pump, though.  Again, I want to talk about it and want to tell people what's going on, but I don't want to burden people!  I know that people do still run away from the "C" word and are unsure of how to react, so I'm still being reticent and will only discuss it with people who give me the impression that they actually want to know!

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