Thursday, December 22, 2016

I feel like a Fraud

So, here I am after 6 weeks of chemo- and radio- therapy and I'm basically feeling pretty good!  

I get tired quickly, and I don't really want to know how I would be feeling without the magic mouthwash, anti-nausea, anti-diarrhea and urinary flow drugs that I'm taking daily, but basically I look and feel pretty normal and to look at me, now that I'm not carrying around a big pump all the time, you wouldn't really know that anything is wrong.

I've decided to answer the "How are you?" question with "Not bad, considering...", which I think will do for both people who are aware and unaware of the diagnosis.

Lots of stuff happening at home and work, which is keeping me engaged, but I do think I need to start working out at the gym, or at least get back into a regular exercise program, so that I can build up my strength for the operation in February.  I want to feel like I am doing something pro-active to combat this thing - while I had my daily appointments this was a given, but now I need to make a bit of an effort myself.

It's the anniversary of Joe Strummer's death today, which always brings me down - but playing Clash or Mescaleroes songs in the car makes it better!

Fuck Cancer!

OK, so  I wrote all that at about 9:30am, It's now 12:30pm and I no longer feel like a fraud!  Time for a nap! 

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